Saturday, October 28, 2006

The 6 of us.

wheeeeee. (:

Sae cheese.

All of cuz cept' jovan (:

Yummy !

My delicious noodle.

Liyin & mee.

Angeline & me.

Liyin . angeline. yiping. me.
Wow.. i yesterdae & todae spent almost 50 bucks.!!
arhs. :(
But.. for me i tink is worth it bcuz not everytime my life is like like long long time once.
Hmm.. yesterdae i went out wif meiqi & angie.Today i went out wif miss tan, yiping, angeline,liyin jovan ((:
Met in kovan ..
hmm i dun wanna wear watch bcuz i gort handfone for the time;
but i forget that my handfone dunoe y had automatically reset !!
But is too too late bcuz i am already in the bus-stop..
i am completely lazy to walked over the bridge to go back to my hse to take the watch.
Reached kovan..
thought i am the first one to reach bcuz i waited quite awhile
but hey.. 3 of the girls is alrr in heartland buying some kinda drinks & jovan did nt wann us to noee dat he is following us ..
he wanted to give some kinda SURPRISE.But we all alr noee bcuz angeline told us :P
Then went jovan came & met us.. all act as if we were SURPRISE..
all asked say hw come u come? i am soo happi & all those lame stuff. LLOL;
Took mrt ..
on the waee we chatted along.
Thenn we went to plaza singapura for our movies ((: .
We atually planned to watch DEATHNOTE..
but e stupit jovan yesterdae alr watch
so he like dunn wann & keep on giving reasons sae deathnote nt nice;
he is just selfish.
Thenn.. all bo bian then we watch dead or alive.Is quite funny & violent !
The girls in the movie all like hit here hit dere dam powerful;
But yaa.. some part is dam funny.
After the movie..
bout 2+ in the afternoon ;
went to have our lunch.
We have noodles.. miss tan treated us;
budget $50.But we spent until $56.
Seriously ; miss tan dam ke lian cann..haa she just working then todae spent so muchh on us;
but nvm laa long long time once =D
Aniwaee.. my noodle cost bout 7+.. angline,liyin & yiping the TOMYAN noodle cost 10 dollar !
Aiya.. must spent more on miss tan bcuz i scared when she posted to monfort to mixed wif bois,
she will forget us ! haa.. wnt laa i dun tink she is dat kind of personn.
After had our noodles..
took neoprint of cuz.
Run here run dere..bcuz we dunoe wad to post bcuz inside have limited space.. & we have 6 ppl.
But atlast we still tried to have our best shots.. & some shots jovan hide lorr.Dunoee y.
After had out neoprint..
we went to one some kinda japaness shop.. all selling japan stuff & is just cost 2 dollar.
All the item ok.. so is like waa buy ah buy ah.
but i never buy laa bcuz i dunoe wad to buy;
but the tibits they sold can see to be dam delicious can.. nxt time then go & buy. woaahh !
Time to go home..
took mrt & alight at kovan..
follow liyin buy some stationary in popular.. all along me & angeline was like crapping laa.
And angeline find out her shoe the flower one had dropped.. then if one shoe no flower & another shoe had flower.. it will look completely weird doesn't it?
So angeline pluck out the flower & she was like heart pain bcuz she just bough it not long ago. LOL !
I thought dat todae is quite fun hanging out wif teachers & frens.
Hope dere will be more time together bcuz miss tan is dam busy on report.
Okok.. i gotta go sleep.Dam tired. BYE =))
Friday, October 27, 2006

The moments -.

angie. me. meiqi

We smile all the waee.

The 3 of us.

meiqi & me in arcade.

buddy forever ! in the bus.
Today i dam dam tired cann.
But it is soo funn hanging out wif angie & meiqi.
I love them laa =D.
While while..
met at kovan MRT station at bout 1pm
i waited for quite long bcuz i didn't noe dat they r at the other side..
so later they came &;find mee.
We laugh & laugh & laugh all the waee i can saee.. bcuz is soo funny !
So mani stuff happening..;
meiqi brought us down on the other station which we should not alight..
haa then we took back the same train again =.=
& we were like laugh like madd then ppl around us keep on staring at us.
We also tokk bout sku stuff..
thenn angie alwaes dam unbalanced like some small little kids; haa.!!
She alwaes bang on ppl when the MRT stopped in the station;
then she keep on saeing sorry then she dam paiiseh laa !
Then me & meiqi at dere laughing.
We went to food court to have our lunch dere.
meiqi & angie ate dessert bcuz they dunn feel like eating..
meiqi is bcuz she wanna slim down & she nt hungry.
Thenn went to neoprint shop..
i tell u inside is full of our voices ok..
bcuz we keep on shouting..
Thenn..later line up for another machine..
tis time.. all take out our shoes bcuz gort 2 stairs of seat.
Oh come on.. is soo fun ((:
Then.. angie take out her sport shoe thenn wif socks laa..
then i wear sandals.. meiqi wear slipper.
Tis time.. guest wadd?
ANGIE FELL DOWN FLAT ON THE FLOOR!! bcuz it is too slippery
Again.. me & meiqi laugh like mad.. SERIOUSLY!
I miss the ''show'' again..i noe i am bad :P
Then.. we laugh & laugh & laugh then the shot coming..
so meiqi pull angie's hand & we tried to be normal in the photos.
Then after dat we laugh again.. angie is dam paiiseh laa.
Thenn i am the craziest among all .. i keep on laughing non-stop.
Oh yaa..gort one time i do one fall down action..
bcuz is like raining so i act act laa..
then realli gort one ppl nearly fell down bcuz its raining.. the floor is wet so he do the same action as mee !
Then angie sae wad is the meaning of walau..
thenn we stepped on the puddle of water..
then the water go inside our shoe to our leg..
then we sae WALAU.
Haa.. then meiqi call us 2 dun tokk :P
After dat..
went to arcade.
Plae those percussion master thenn angie lose to meiqi.. so funny lorr !
Behind the ppl all like laughing bcuz we were like so dam crazy & lousy then i a little bit paiiseh while watching them plaee.
Thenn.. we also gort plae daytona. guest wadd? me & angie 40th position ( last ) HAA. !!!
Thenn.. i keep on kidding saee angie & me nxt time cnt have ani driving license.LLOL;
We played those guns , is just shooting.. wa meiqi pro siia ! wahhaass.
Went to long john..
angie lend frm meiqi some money.
Then i told meiqi nxt time angie will pay u back hong kong money.. then we laugh & laugh & laugh.
I am damm crazy laa.. thenn follow they all dunoe go buy wad food laa.. haa ((:
Time past dam fast can.. frm 1pm met i reach home at bout 6 going to 7..
aniwaee i dun tink i am wasting my time..
is hard to met up wif meiqi bcuz she is alwaes busy.
After dat..took 22 ;
angie alight first bcuz she need to go to find her godmother for tickets to return back to hongkong during hols & later in one stop me & meiqi change 25.
We crapped a lot..& meiqi alight first then i alight in a few stops awae. is a fun & exciting dae for me..
i realli enjoy the moment wif u all..
& meiqi is being bullied by me! HAA ((: sryy laa. plae plae onli riite?
aniwaee. yaa.. i hope nxt time there will be chances for us to met alrites.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

We are just crazy.

Jeremy & me.

The farewell.

The senior & the junior

Apple & me.
Hellos ((:
Today morning.. have graduation ceremony.
Hmm.. yaa every sec 4 & 5 klasses had one powerpoint presentation..
& the music is kinda touching i tink?
haa & yaa.. i tink sec 4s & 5s is gonna miss their life in secondary school.
i took some photos todaee bcuz i cnt find others.
Soo.. i go prefect room find apple.
Then she was like TAKE PICTURES?
i was like.. errm yaa =)
haa. Bcuz last time i forgot to take pics in her handfonee.. so we together take
&yeah; we have some post too !
I tried to take as much as we cann bcuz its farewell u see..
nxt time mayb wnt have tis chances animore to met her mayb during some organisations then they come back.. mayb teacher's dae?
but dats long alrites.. haa.
While while.. after she graduate i hope we still can chat in msn & stay in contact alrites.
Oh yaa.. mayb we will find sometimes after their ''o'' to hang out wif shima..
i am looking forward to it !
After recess..
went up & there r some performances about mediation; wad self discipline .
haa ((:
is kinda nice alrites..
they sang one veri funny song
& their performances is realli nice.
They acting is so real & i realli like their slow motion whereby u can see in tv sometimes..
& yea. I tink everyone is enjoying the drama.
I love the girl pronouncation.. is like the tone is nice =D
Time to go home..
i go buy my lunch in school
& i called my frenn to help me take care my food.
Go find ppl to take photos..
i am a photo maniac :P.
On the waee;
i can see dat some ppl is hugging & crying..
haa i tink they missed their fellow classmates & tis sec sku..
tis is like the situation after psle alrites.
But psle is nth laa..
haa (:
we dunn even have wad graduation ceremony..
Okok.I hope all sec 4s & 5s seniors will take care of themself after they graduate..
must visit us often ok?
Especially prefect seniors ((:
will miss u all ..
hope to met nxt time.
Monday, October 23, 2006
bout 11+ i slept.
At the bed i cnt sleep..
so i keep on turning right & left until 11.45 then sleep!
haa (:
Then the nxt day cnt rly wake upp.
Sometimes i thought dat me myself is realli weird ok..
bcuz is like holidays i can so early wake upp..
then school day i was like wanna sleep more in the morning.
Morning have some talks bout national youths awards..
due to we r soo talkative;
whole sec 1s r gonna squart.
Then later all push -up position..
then the teacher start to put down the microphone
& walk around.
& when the teacher come..
all push up position
& when the teacher walked away..
all put their knees on the floor.
wahaas =D
gonna gort some IT talks by another teacher..
& we r dam late i tink is the last klass to reach dere
bcuz we didn't noe have the talks,
i tink no one had pay attention while they r making announcement;
thought dat mayb will get scolded but dunn have..
dats lucky =).
Atlast,i found out dat dere r blogging competition.
Need to post ur links in the website given..
& they will judge but dun dare to post my links dere bcuz i dunoe y.
HAA ! but i LOVE the prizes so muchh ok ..
mp3 ; mp4 & 10 laptops waiting for us to win if we r lucky :)
Today i also had recieved school magazine..
gort klass photo inside..
i tell u i am unhappi wif the shot bcuz of my hair!
arrhs :(
Back to home..
took the lift.
One indian man rush so i press the button to allow him to come in laa.
U noe..
indians usually gort those kind of smell..
bcuz they dunoe put some oil or sthh.
& dats when science comes in ;
flows from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration ..
The smell veri fast spread to the whole lift & i tell u ... is completely unbearable !
I tried nt to breath in bout 5 sec ?
then i later breath again..
then reach the 5th floor &
i quickly get out.
Ok.. i dunoe bout u; but for me is smelly..
& i cnt do anithing infront of dat person like to cover my nose or sth bcuz it shows disrespect to him...
so i just get out
& yea.. have fresh air.
Alrites Alrites.. i wanna go sleep! I love sleeping..=D
take care peeps & good luck for tis coming thursday of ur report bkk !!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
I am waiting for today sooo soo long ok?
haa ((:
checking of scripts !
wheee ((:
I am dam worried of my english ok.. dam worried.. bcuz i scared i will fail
but hey; i pass =D.
too excited or mayb too nervous until cnt sleep until i told myself nt to tink animore..
results had been out..
u cnt do anithing to it even though u worry wad for??
Why dunn i just relax & wait for my colourful results to be out yea !
I alr noe my maths failed..
its dam hard ok.
Onli 10 passes out of 40 students in my klass.
I realli hope my ca1; sa1 & ca2 will help me push up my maths marks bcuz i rly hope can pass..
i dun one my maths to fail!
i am glad dat i pass all other subject ok..
i gort confident dat i will pass lit well
& heyy.. is up to my expectations ((: .
Before dat.. i told myself during revision dat during exams..
nt to write irrelevant stuff that is nt related to the question..
meaning is rubbish;
main point is nt to fill up one page ..
wad for u write one page full of nonsense? The important thing is to catch the point & writed it out neatly so the teacher cann see..
try to write one whole page;
even if u write one who page full of rubbish
& one half page wif relevant stuff wif main points..
who do u tink can score better?
Of cuz is the half page one riite.. so write full page is nt reali important.
Soo.. during exams i am confident
the paper didn't put ani bad comments but ticks here & dere ! wooahh =D
My chinese is ok..
still the same laa !
science nt rly good at;
well.. a little bit disapointed bcuz onlii 60+..
is too hard for me.
lots of them fail ! but lucky i pass.
For d&t..
i am preparing to fail but guess wad..
i pass ok!
Bcuz i did study.. whee..
i score 60+..
the drawing i thought i will get 0 out of 10 mark bcuz i dunoe hw to draw..
but seriously;
leaving question blank is equal to no hope..
atleast i try to score ok..
so i just anihw draw; just get some mark
and i score 4 mark;
better then nth rite? haa (:
History.. 60+ too..
ok laa ..
well EOY i had lots of sub wif 60+..
Overall.. i am still quite happi wif my results..
Thanks teachers for helping me so muchh wif EOY (:
ENGLISH PAPER 1 - 19/30 (compo) ENGLISH PAPER 1 -21/30 (letter) ENGLISH PAPER 2-41/80 ** thank god**
MATHS-38/100 ** dam bad cann **
CHINESE PAPER 1 -37/40 ( compo) CHINESE PAPER 1-17/20(letter) CHINESE PAPER 2 -51.5/70 *i did well =D*
SCIENCE - 67.5/100 ** improving**
LITERATURE- 53/75 ( 71%) ** good job ! **
D&T- 67/100 *phew; i thought i will fail ok.. but i still pass *
ART- 66/100 ** pass can lerr :)**
HISTORY - 68/100 * i am quite happi wif my history marks**
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
1.Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?
2.Do you have any secrets?
of cuz i have laa.
3.Do you hate yourself?
4.Do you have any bad habbits?
Who dont't have bad habbits? eveyryone is different ok.
5.What is the compliment you get most from people?
Hey.. waa u tok so much. & so mani pimple.. likes to eat unhealty food uhh!
6.If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?
World of my own
7.Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?
Nope; bcuz i am myself (:
8.Are you a loner?
Errm.. i dun tink so! bcuz i have my best buddies ((:
9.What are your no. 1 priorities in life?
Treasure things around u.. bcuz when it is lost u cnt get it animore & when u regret it.. it's too late !
10.If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Hmm. i dunoee..
11.Are you a daredevil?
Noo. haa .. i am a superhero.
12.Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?
Too mani pimples laa ! arrhs.
13.Are you passive or aggressive?
I am passive.. no aggressive (:
14.Have you got a journal?
Online counted? i meann.. blogg.bcuz dats; where i blogg stuff dat had happened.
15.What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?
Life is important..everyone must treasure it !
16.What do you like the most about your body?
I am tall.. but skinny
17.Do you think you are good looking?
Dont tink soo.
18.Are you confident?
Seriously; it depends.
19.Do people know how you feel?
Some of my frenns doo ! I hope laa bcuz i speak to them whether i am happy or sad.
20.Do you like your handwriting?
yess. of cuz bcuz ppl say my handwritting is nice & neat xD
art festival!
haa.Group I is register 1 to 20.. 18 -- 20 is guys.
Soo.. onli 3 guys
thenn first station we went to chinese dance;
onlii 3 guys others all girlss..
we wanted to run away to grp J
but the teacher saw so is like haiiz x(
My voice is alrite in the morning..
but afternoono my voice started to like lost ..
thenn i tokk less of cuzz
or else i will lose all my voice
& then i will suffered bcuz i cnt tokk but mayb onlii hand signal
Today morning..
voice is alrite.try to tokk less
but heyy..
my voice is getting better when i am having my IT course.;
It teaches us hw to podcast
& is soo fun !
Atfirst ppl though waa. 3 hrs..
confirm time past dam slow
& we will suffered frm boredom bcuz we like nt dat interested.
is followed by register number.19 & 20..
the guy wif me we always nt veri good..
& i told him u better coperate in tis 3 hrs bcuz after dat i will just dun care bout u .
just beear wif me..
& then later during podcast.
i wrote wadd i wanna say ..
then i interview & others laa.
Thenn. slowly find out he quite nice ..
just he too naughty laa !
then we make some introduction music & others.
And the sad thing is i failed my sa2 MATHS!!
arrhs.. onlii 10 out of 40 in my klass passed.
So is like arrhs.
hw would i fail? mayb bcuz i didn't study enuff?
but i did study ..
dam dam disapointed.
I rly hope.. my ca1; sa1; ca2 maths can rly help me pushed up to pass bcuz all the exams i passed my maths..
so is like PRAYPRAYPRAY!!
the more i tink;
the more i worried & tis thursday will be getting our scripts..
i dun tink i did well fer EOY.
lets hope all pass..
but i alr noe my maths failed.sadd !
Monday, October 16, 2006

I just love the water

Am i going to jump down??

The chocolates -- joy & love

The chocolates -- bliss & joy

The bride, the gloom & me

the 3 of us ((:


sis & bro. ((:
Hey..I am finally back uhh;
Its quite long since i blogged.
so now dere r lots of things to tokk bout..
let me tell u bout yesterday.
I went to dunoe where;
sry dat i had forgot wad the place r called fer my cousins wedding.
dat time when they together i am like so dam young laa..
but nw sec 1 ahaa (:
so they getting married.
Soo fast mann..
aniwaee congratulations to them.
went dere quite early..
so we decided to take some photos.
is kinda fun bcuz dere r things dat we can take..
& we had met so mani ppl..
& those who didn't noe us came & shake hand and wave to us.
So we went upp & have our sits dere..
gort one stupit girl gave us attitude.
Keep on diaox uss..
see us nt happi bcuz my dad & mom here..
so she dun dare say us.
Last time she shoot us like siiao..
means she keep on shooting us through words & wadever laa.
But heyy.. she diao me when am toking to someone..
so i didn't realised it & my sis told me.
Then later my sis diaox her back..
when she looks at us we 2 look back & diao and she didn't wanna see animore.
Then later..
i realised dat the whole table 10..
didn't have the chocolate as a small gift.
so i went around asking
my 2nd aunt gave me 6 box so is like thanks !
bcuz she say if i wann then must give me a lot since some ppl dun wann.
heee =))
my table gort 2 kids..
i tell u they r damm irritating.
They laugh & laugh & laugh..
do all sorts of stupit stuff.
I am sure they noe hw to behave bcuz i can see that they r primary students..
y some primary student noes hw to behave well..
but some primary student behave like sht? issit bcuz of parents? orr...i dunoe?
They just cnt stop snatching food..
& doing wad wannna pour water on other ppl head & wadevr irritating stuff.I mean. seriously.
Then while we eating the chocolates..
the 2 children saw & wanted some ..
so we bo bian mahh..
the mother dere so we gave her one box containing 2 chocolates.
The chocolates is so delicious laa..
is those hard chocolates dat kind..
then nt soo sweet & nt dat bitter..
& is carved in a love shape wif some blesssing like LOVE&JOY and all...
one funny stuff is the gloom small brother..
also had a girlfrenn
& is like ppl keep asking y he still dun wana get married..
haa !
He told us dat he early had predicted & he decided nt to come but atlast still come..
so its coming to an end of the weddding.
We had our food & is like went home laa of cuzz.
Shake hand wif the bride & gloom and took a cab.
Came back & realised is nt dat early..
so i quickly bathe & sleep!
gtg; tata ~
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Exams finally is over ! omgg.. i am waiting fer tis day SOO LONG bcuz i have sth planned after exams; soo yaa i am sure everyone is celebrating now bcuz exams had finally came to an end.We just need to wait fer our results.. & hope we will score well.
Today; art ! Some of my frenn didn't bring test paper which is like given 3 wks ago? Bcuz need to prepare.. i dunoe hw they gonna do laa bcuz inside gort 3 section consists of 25 mark each & today 2 hr paper is also 25 mark.Total is 100 mark..but who cares x=
Hmm.. during art exams, the teacher suddenly call my name & before dat i had taken one tissue frm my frenn.I thought the teacher gonna like say me cheat or wadevr but no ; is my mom came to sku to looked fer me to take keys bcuz she misplaced it.. and when i came home she told me dat she search all 4 floors... and i was like HUH? llol; bcuz can go to the general office & asked;Some more the keys is attached to the wallet.So is like omgg .. the wallet cost ok? ha ! but luckily she didn't put 50 dollar note in the wallet.. or else, dunoe wadd will happen.
Luckily. she found bckk the wallet so is like pheww....aniwaee; today announcement my tone is dam flat ok? i will tried to improve nxt time so dun post me to pledge so fast yet ok? nxt wk then see how laa.. bcuz last 2 wks i am doing announcement.. i am slowly improving.I today is so nervous bcuz last min i then recieved the duty.. so is like nt rly prepared yet but nxt wk i am sure i wnt sound FLAT; i will prove !GODbless-.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Colour:Blue & black.(currently)
Food: Restaurant food (:
Movie: ALOT
Sport: Swimming.
Day of the week:Monday
Season: Winter
Mood: Tired
Taste: Sweet
Clothes:Home clothes
Time: 12.29pm
Surroundings: My room
Best friend: ehhhh.
Music: ALOT
Drink: Ice lemon tea, green tea, coke.
Ride:SBS bus
Movie:Monster house.
Phonecall:My frenn.
Dated one of your best friends: Ya
Broken the law: Bringing chewing to spore?
Been arrested: No
Skinny-dipped: No
Been on tv: No
Kissed someone that you don't know: No
4 things you did today: Exams, talk, eat, Study.
things you can hear right now: television,ice-cream bell.
Random facts about me:Full of pimples x=
7 things that scare me: Insects,exams, dirty toliets,dirty people, mad person, falling down in front of public,exams
7 random music at the moment: Just my luck, Buttons, I'm not missing you,Shy,Dirty little secrets, When there was me and you, Beautiful love.
7 things I say most: Whatever lah, Oh sht ,holy crap, huh, wah lao,oh my godd,wad derr.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Heyy! today having my history & english paper 2.Was worried of my history.. so today morning.. have my veri veri last revision.Oh well..when i recieved my history paper today morning.. pheww; i noe hw to do the question bcuz i did studied.. so is like tiink i can pass.English paper 2.. ohh no ! is a veri veri though paper.. 1 hr 40 mins pass dam fast laa.We need to complete 2 sets of closed-passage..2 sets of comprehension & 1 summary.First 2 closed passage is alr makes me crazy laa.. seriously.Some of my frenn didn't do some question.. time left nt muchh & yet i am in summary.I quickly rushed & went bck to some of my previous page dat i had left blank.
I am glad dat my head is slowly recovering yea? haa ! My head is nt as slanted as wednesday ok.. & it had went bck to the position and is like no pain animore. Thx doctor ! ahaa (: and today was a rly tired day.. when i reached home..bathe ; luch & sleep! wahass.=D
Nite time.. mom frenn had came to my house.Omg,. the 2 children r soo dam cute laa! I love them.. the baby just like 8 mnths and is soo cute.. & the daughter is 2 & a half yr old.. she is dunoe y scared of me.Trying to avoid me laa.. nvm; childrens r all like dat ehh? they first time met stranger.. but while; nxt time when she sees me lots of time.. i tink she wnt felt afraid.
Mooncake festivals.. i just love mooncakes (: Did anione of them buy ani lanterns dat can let me carry around? nahh.. dats fer kids ! We youths wnt carry lanterns alrr.. monday sc.Tmrr gonna revised.. i seriously didn't noe wads happening in d&t ok? Teacher gave us extra lessons on yesterday to revise wif with us our d&t..brain is totally blank.I gonna have a hard time reading & revising.. just give me a pass on tuesday ok? i gonna go. byee (:
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Yesterday morning.. 5.32+ .In dreams & i am away frm my pillow & when i am dreaming or mayb i am a little bit awake.. i turn my head too fast & u noe wad happen? I sprained my neck .. & i onli can turn half way of left.Am i dat unlucky? & some more the nxt day which is today.. having lit & maths. Maths is the most worrying sub bcuz i am weak.
I went to school wif a SLANTED head.. & my neck is soo pain mann.Is like in the vein.. bcuz when i rubbed ouside is just normal.I told myself i gonna go see doctor by today bcuz i am having my maths paper.. i cnt just take exams wif pain neck & slanted head or else i tink i will score badly bcuz i cnt concentrate.
Yesterday time past veri slow in sku fer mee.. bcuz i cnt wait to get home bcuz whenever i go.. ppl will say HEY JIAHAO.. HW COME UR HEAD LIKE DAT... & i told them i sprained my neck.Totally no face laa.. so when i reach home.. waiting fer dad to come home.& when he comes home.. he prepare & yeahh.. take cab to bedok to see doctor.
Atfirst i thought i gonna be veri scared bcuz it gonna go move my head wif cracking sound..& my sis told my if my neck cnt make it straight .. gonna go put sth on my neck in hospital. SCARED ME TILL DEATH.. but wnt laa is just a normal small little things.. wnt get so serious ehh? went dere.. is nt as scared as i thought laa..gort lots of cracking sound.. my head ; my hand ; my back. is shiock.. and the doctor is rly kind & veri nice =D
And i finally can move to the left completely.. today went to sku.Wif a little bit of slanted face.. & is like nt obvious. whee ((: & i finally can nt be worried animore but to try my best in today's exams. GODBLESS. Dere r still a little bit pain here & dere but it need to take some days to recover.. hope it will be fine; it is still much much better than yesterday ok..Good luck fer the upcoming exams ((:
Monday, October 02, 2006
Happy children's day to all my babe ((: & yeahh.. we r nt children but youths.Everyone is rushing through revision & hopes to score well.. errm am i toking rubbish? who dosen't wanna score well fer exams! wahass.
Today last min.. teacher dun wanna give exams on maths period.He wanted us to stay back fer remedial during 2.30 to 3.30pm today.. so he use the 2 period to go through & revise wif us question dat will be tested today.Have lunch wif normal frenn & we chat & chat & chat. llol; ((:
Time's gonna be up.. so went up wif my frenn to go up to classroom.Find out teacher had nt back yet.. is like alr soo late alr.. so we went around talking.. going washroom at bout 2.40++ where shld be started at 2.30pm.My klass ppl use mp3 the wire to make to the speaker & have music.. is like DISCO ok.. noisy unless teacher cum & they quickly switch off.
No mood fer remedial.. feeling sleepy.When i reach home.. bathe & have my lunch some history practices at wb bcuz i wanna improve history; gonna mug mug boii ! haa.. frm 4++ afternoon sleep to bout 7 at nite.. vision is blur when i wake up .. even if i washed my face ! llol;
Mom nv cook today.. gonna wait fer 9 ++ nite then can have my dinner i went down wif my sis to buy waffle at bubble tea shop.. okok. I gonna have my chocolate waffle & my honey cereal! whee.=) gotta go.. bye.